Thursday, March 3, 2011

Investing in Students

When I was a small group leader in Kentucky I was given a lot of resources that dealt with small group dynamics (the following is not my direct idea). This article talks about how leaders can intentionally connect with and invest in the lives of students for the sake of eternity. Take a moment to think about what you have done this semester and what you have not done. Email me what you have to get better at (and what steps you are going to take to accomplish the task).

Here are some helpful tips for connecting and investing with your small group:

Review the Lesson, Even if You are not Teaching:

“My Small Group doesn’t want to talk.” A good working knowledge of the lesson will allow you to talk through the points covered and will help guide students to interact with material not specifically talked about during the lesson. Each Trek lesson has a Scripture it bases its lesson on (2.4 = Proverbs 3:1-8; 2.5 = Proverbs 4:10-27). Take time during the week to read through and study that Scripture (do it like you were going to teach the lesson).

Spend Time With Your Students Outside of Small Group Time:

To connect inside the walls of the church building, you have to connect outside. This is when your relationships with them will be strengthened. They will have the opportunity to see that you are a real person. This could be as simple as grabbing coffee together, having a sleep over, showing up at their sporting events, or going on a student ministry event. Specifically, here are suggested steps:

· At least once a month, call and encourage each member of your small group. Writing a card of encouragement is also a great way to connect.

· At least once a semester, plan a get-together for you and your students (A monthly get-together can be as easy as going out to lunch after Bible Fellowship, having students in your home for games and desert, or meeting them at a fun center. Also, most students have money. Don’t feel the need to float the bill).

· At least once a semester make it a point to connect with your small group member’s parents. Ask them how you can better serve as an ally in the lives of their teen.

Let Students Do the Talking:

You should guide the small group time, but your students should be doing the talking. The temptation for many small group leaders is to hijack the small group and teach another lesson. However, students should be doing the talking. This ensures that they are paying attention and actually grasping what is being taught.

Back Up Your Words With Actions:

Model the lessons you teach. You are not perfect and students can benefit from lessons you learn in life. One of the best things you can do for your students is to let them see you strive to walk closer with Christ.

Simple Do’s and Dont’s


· Call students by name

· Be prepared and study your lesson

· Be flexible to the needs of the group

· Start and finish on time [emphasis added]

· Be prepared to learn from the students


· Ask for a show of hands for attendance of upcoming events

· Talk too much or teach another lesson

· Be afraid of silence – the uncomfortableness of silence can encourage participation

· Be satisfied with the first response [ask them to explain what they mean]

· Be insecure about challenging discussions

· Be afraid to discipline students [send them to the youth pastor]

These are great ideas and tips for how to connect with students to impact their lives for eternity. But one thing that this article left out was prayer. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO SPEND TIME ON YOUR KNEES IN PRAYER FOR THE STUDENTS IN YOUR SMALL GROUP. We can do nothing without the power of God coursing through our lives. This power is accessed through prayer! Also, as you spend time with students make sure you are intentionally encouraging them to live for Christ.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Accountability Matters

Hey leaders! A good friend of mine in ministry gave me a booklet with 52 core truths for youth ministry (1 for each week) a year or so ago and I wanted to share with you some of these great truths. This week is Why God Believes in Accountability:

One thing is true YOU CANNOT LIVE THE CHRISTIAN LIFE BY YOURSELF!! We need God's strength (Philippians 4:13) and other believers to help us (Hebrews 10:24) in our trek (or journey).

· On the most basis level we should all have a spiritual mentor (or leader) in our lives who challenges us to daily surrender to God's will in our lives. We should summit to that leader when they call us out (because of sin in our lives) or encourage us to surrender to God's will in our lives. Hebrews 13:17 says "Obey them that have rule over you , and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give an account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable to you." One commentator has this to say about this verse:

"Obey them that have the rule over you - Obey your leaders. He is not fit to rule who is not capable of guiding. (See on Heb. 13:7) In the former verse the apostle exhorts them to remember those who had been their leaders, and to imitate their faith; in this he exhorts them to obey the leaders they now had, and to submit to their authority in all matters of doctrine and discipline, on the ground that they watched for their souls, and should have to give an account of their conduct to God. If this conduct were improper, they must give in their report before the great tribunal with grief; but in it must be given: if holy and pure, they would give it in with joy. It is an awful consideration that many pastors, who had loved their flocks as their own souls, shall be obliged to accuse them before God for either having rejected or neglected the great salvation."

Transforming Truth:

1. It is profitable to serve under God given authority

2. God given authority is itself accountable to God (meaning that if God is the one that put the authority in your life then at the heart of the matter you are under the authority of God)

· Not only should we have a spiritual mentor in our lives but we should also realize that we are stewards over all that God has given us (spiritual gifts, time, creation, etc.). It is a humbling reality that God has chosen to use us to carry out His work (Matthew 28:18-20) here on earth. First Corinthians 4:1-2 says this, “This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” We are to be found trustworthy because all of us will one day give a personal account of our lives to God. Romans 14:12 says, "So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God." Will you go before God with joy knowing you were a good steward of His varied grace or will you go in shame knowing that you squandered opportunities that were put before you?

Transforming Truth:

1. Stewards are accountable to their lords

2. All of us will one day give a personal account of our lives to God

· Finally, we should understand that even Jesus was accountable to God the Father. Jesus had one mission here on this earth and it was to die for the sins of the world. He showed the ultimate surrender at the garden of Gethsemane when He said “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.” In John 17:4 Jesus says this, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” We need to follow that ultimate example of Jesus and understand that our accountability to God is a serious matter.

Transforming Truth:

1. Even Jesus made Himself accountable to God, His Father.

All in all accountability is vital in the life of a Christian. Each one of us should have a Paul (a spiritual mentor to guide us) and a Timothy (someone who we spiritually mentor). If you do not have a Paul in your life then let me know so I can help assist you in finding one. And all of you have Timothy’s (the students in your small groups). I encourage you to focus in on one or two students to really spend time encouraging this semester.

What are some ways you could encourage and mentor a student in your small group? Email me your thoughts this week!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Small Group Personalitites

When I was a middle school small group leader in Kentucky I was given a ton of resources that dealt with small group dynamics. This one talks about different personalities that show up to your small group every week. Take a moment to match the students in your group with the personalities listed below (then send me your thoughts via email).

"Students are all different. A little knowledge of teenage personalities will go a long way in connecting and investing in the lives of students. Below are some concepts to keep in mind when interacting with distinct personalities.

This student always has a comment for everything. It is effective to sit this person next to you, which reduces eye contact with them when you ask a question. When this person interrupts a gentle touch is a silent and effective cue. If you have a whole group of these students, you may want to have an object that a student must possess before speaking (pass the towel, pen, etc). One of the keys to a talker is not to stifle their leadership potential. Rather, use it to your advantage.

This student is usually the quiet one. Every group has one. They just won't talk. Because they are more shy or timid, they have a tendency to be drowned out by the louder personalities. Position this person across from you to increase eye contact. Occasionally direct a specific question to this person.

This student is new to the group. They are unsure of their surroundings and are petrified at the thought of speaking in the group. Or, they dominate your conversation with comments that are foreign to the groups normal conversation process. A wise small group leader will recognize the visitor as a great blessing to the group. If the student is more quiet, the leader can use the time to not draw attention to them and help them feel comfortable. If the student is more vocal, the leader can use the challenging comments as discussion points for the group.

Church Kid
This student may have spent more hours in church than you have. Consequently, they tend to know more about the Bible than the others. Remember that their knowledge does not indicate spiritual health. These kids may be hard to reach since they have heard it all. A discerning leader will humbly challenge their opinions and pry beyond the typical "Sunday School" answers.

The Distractor
This student cannot sit still and ends up distracting everyone in the small group - including you. Rather than stifling this student, direct their energy toward productive ends. You will better understand this student if you meet with them outside of your small group.

The Debator
This student enjoys challenging every point that is made in the small group. They bring some creativity to the small group but they can intimidate other students as well. It is best to set some specific rules with this student to direct their comments toward a productive end.

Crisis Producer
This student is constantly in a bad situation and lets your small group know about it every week. They are often self-absorbed and therefore unable to participate in the discussion, except when it is focused on them. Get together with this student before the small group to talk through their problems with just you. Another possibility is to assure everyone that they will have a time to share problems or prayer requests at the end of the group.

The goal for all of these personalities is to make them beneficial to the group as a whole."

Again let me know what you think about these personalities. Can you think of any others? Match the students in your group with these personalities and send me an email with your thoughts!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pool Day

Come hang out with us this Wednesday (08/04) as we have fun around the pool!

Event: Pool Day
Time: 11am - 3pm
Place: Petra Baptist Church
Cost: $5 (lunch will be provided)

Make sure you bring a towel, sunscreen , change of cloths, and any pool toys you have.

Ladies must wear a one piece, a tankini, or a dark shirt and are not allowed to wear a bikini. If you have any questions or concerns about this please do not hesitate to call or email me and I would love to explain why our church holds this view.

For any questions or concerns please email me at

Hope to see you there!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Study through Jeremiah (1:4-19)

Jeremiah 1:4-19

(outline and application)

“The Call”

1. Jeremiah’s Call (v. 4-10)

a. The word of the Lord

i. “Jeremiah was designed by God to be His messanger.”

b. Jeremiah’s Response

i. “I’m to young and inexperienced.”

c. God’s Rebuttal

i. “it’s not about you it’s about Me!”

2. Jeremiah’s Visions (v. 11-16)

a. The Almond Branch

i. “A Stern Reminder”

ii. God was watching the people of Judah. He did not forget His promise of Judgment

b. The Boiling Pot

i. “A Message of Judgment”

ii. God would use Judah’s enemies from the North to exact His judgment.

3. God’s Challenge and Promise

a. A Challenge to Boldness

i. “Have boldness before the people or fall and fail.”

b. A Promised Protection

i. “No matter what happens I will be there for you.”


· God has made you for a specific task to glorify Him (no matter what life stage). – Do you know what God has called you to do with your life? If not, that should be your main goal (Jeremiah 29:12-13). If so, are you completing the task that God called you to do or are you ignoring that call?

· God is with you because He has called you (appointed you). – There will always be a fight, and you may undergo persecution, but the God of the entire universe will be there to fight with you and protect you, if you are following His call.

· God must judge sin because He is perfectly just. If you are a follower of Christ then he does this through chastening. If you are an unbeliever then God will pour out His wrath upon you at the point of death. This is why Jesus came and died for you. To make a way out of wrath into His perfect calling.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Through Jeremiah (1:1-3)

Jeremiah 1:1-3


The first 3 verses in Jeremiah gives the reader a great insight into the culture into which Jeremiah was born. To completely understand this book and the life of the prophet Jeremiah it is crucial that we understand the background, the person, and the people.

The Background

Before we can truly grasp the challenges of Jeremiah we must first understand where the nation of Israel is spiritually and culturally. The book of Jeremiah is known as a prophetic book, more specifically one of the major prophets (because of the length). The historical context of the people of Israel during the life of Jeremiah can be found in 2 Kings starting in chapter 21 and going on until the end of the book (chapter 25). At this point in Israel’s history, the nation had been split into two kingdoms (the northern kingdom, Israel & the southern kingdom, Judah). Israel has been conquered by the Assyrians as part of God’s judgment due to their rebellion. But Judah had remained (even though they had been under Assyrian domination since the days of King Ahaz; in 2 Kings 16:7-8) due to godly leadership. One of the godly leaders was Hezekiah (who reigned in Judah for 29 years). “He removed the high places and broke the pillars and cut down the Asherah. For he held fast to the Lord. He did not depart from following Him, but kept the commandments that the Lord commanded Moses.” (2 Kings 18:4, 6) Unfortunately after his reign, his son Manasseh was an unrighteous leader. “He did what was evil in the sight in the Lord.” (2 Kings 21:2) Everything his father, Hezekiah, did to restore fellowship with God, Manasseh destroyed. He allowed pagan gods along with pagan morals to infiltrate Judah which spiritually blinded the people. Jeremiah was born during the reign of Manasseh (probably between 650 – 645 B.C.) during a time of religious and political instability.

The Person

Jeremiah was born in Anathoth (which was about 3 miles northeast of Jerusalem) son of the priest Hilkiah (not the same person who found the book of the law in 2 Kings 22:8) in the land of Benjamin (one of the two tribes in Judah, the other being Judah). He was born during the reign of Manasseh who allowed the people to worship pagan gods. In this camp there were probably many priests who served and worshipped these pagan gods. Jeremiah’s parents were probably some of the few left who worshipped the true God of Israel (although most of this is just conjecture because Jeremiah does not write about it in his book). In verse 2 of chapter 1 we see the first affirmation by Jeremiah that these words are not his opinion, in fact we see that they are the very words of God given to Jeremiah (this is what kept Jeremiah going for 40 plus years). Many scholars believe that Jeremiah’s prophetic career started in 627 B.C. (in the 13th year of the reign of Josiah) when Jeremiah was just 18-20 years of age. King Josiah became Jeremiah’s contemporaries as they tried to bring spiritual reformation to the land. Josiah repairs the temple and in doing so finds the lost book of the law (the Pentateuch). This drastically changes Jeremiah’s life as he begins his ministry by going on a preaching tour reading the book begging people to turn back to the Lord. This time of spiritual reformation would not last, unfortunately. In 609 Josiah dies and the rulers to follow would lead the people of Judah to exile under the rule of the Babylonians.

The People

In verse 3 of chapter 1 we see three kings and the captivity of Jerusalem mentioned. This goes to show the reader the political and spiritual instability of the people in the time of Jeremiah. Spiritually, Josiah leads a reformation that does not stick and the three kings after him turn the people away from the Lord. We see this back and forth with the people of Judah (really with the people of Israel as a whole). They turn to God for a brief period of time then the sin against Him and turn from Him. Politically things get worse as these kings rebel against the Assyrians and the Babylonians longing for independence, which does not come. Because of the spiritual instability God brings judgment through political instability which ultimately leads to the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people of Judah.


1. There is always a consequence for rebelling against God. We know that God is love and we tend to focus on that more than any other attribute that God has. We sing songs about God’s love, we tell people about God’s love, and we preach that God loves you. We can take great confidence that this is true that God does love you and I but God is also perfectly just and must punish sin. This is why He poured out His wrath on the people of Israel and the people of Judah, because they turned their back on Him.

a. Another reason God allowed the people of Israel to be conquered is so that eventually they would look up and see a loving God who was ready to have them follow Him again.

2. We also see the commitment and the faithfulness of Jeremiah. Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet because, as we will read through this book, people did not listen to his message. In fact people threatened his life, mocked him, and beat him for speaking the very words of the Lord (v.2). How was he able to do this for 40 plus years? Because he was called to do this (we will read this in the next couple of verses) and disobedience was not an option.

a. How many times in your life and in my life do we let disobedience become an option? I ‘m encouraged to be more obedient to what I know God has called me to do (tell others about Him, study His Word, and pray without ceasing). I challenge you to do the same!