Hey everybody I just wanted to make a detailed post on the core values of the youth ministry at Petra Baptist Church. It's nicknamed "R Cubed' or simply "R3.'' So let me describe the 3 R's for you:
- Relate - "Connect" - as a student ministry we want to connect students to Jesus! We want to provide an atmosphere for students to connect with God, church leaders, and other students. To do this we will be starting a Bible Fellowship hour on Sunday mornings and Bible studies on Wednesday nights. We are also planning a summer retreat and other events to just "hang out" (or connect) with students.
- Ripen - "Grow" - we want students to mature in their walk with Jesus Christ! We want to provide students opportunities to interact with God's Word and godly leaders. We will do this through discipleship programs, providing opportunities to serve, and digging into God's word.
- Reproduce - we want mature (ripe) students to take what they have learned in our ministry and share it with a lost world. We will accomplish this through prayer and various leadership programs showing mature students how to share their faith and duplicate their love for Jesus in others.
"And he said to them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'"
-Luke 10:2 (ESV)
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