During my short stint at Boyce College I took a class entitled Youth Ministry 101 (taught by Gary Almon). It was a great class, I learned a ton and my desire to do youth ministry was multiplied! Three years later I find myself acting out what I had learned in that class and I find it more difficult then it was when I was reading that book or discussing the topic in class. I thought because of my background and the little experience that I had obtained that I was completely ready for the task ahead. And as I sit here at the church I believe the Lord has brought me to I find myself learning more and more about how youth ministry works in an administrative and spiritual way (I still think that I'm completely ready but I'm realizing that I don't know everything). I'm trying to narrow down curriculum, make contacts, find time to study & pray, plan future events, lead students and volunteer workers all while being a student, an employee and a worship pastor. I say this not to draw attention to my circumstance or to gain your sympathy (because many of you are in the same boat with overloaded schedules), I say this to remind myself and to remind you guys that it is IMPOSSIBLE to do ministry (or life for that matter) without a GROWING relationship with Christ! One of my biggest struggles is being consistent with my walk with Christ and I find at times when I'm not as focused on Christ, as I should be, the weight of my circumstances almost becomes unbearable and I question the call the Lord has placed on my life. And then the times when I'm growing I feel like I can tackle any challenge. I heard something this week that really put some perspective on this subject. My identity is found in Christ! It's not found in what I do for a living, who people think I am, or even what they expect from me, my identity is in Christ! I just wanted to encourage you to be consistent with your walk with Christ and make sure your meeting with someone or talking with someone about what Christ is doing in your life. To many times we talk about sports, school, relationships, and other things and we don't talk about the most important relationship in our life......CHRIST! Because when you're really growing in Christ and walking with him ever day then you will talk about Him and you will become excited about your faith.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord shall bless you in all your works, and in all that you put your hand to. *And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. *Because it is God who works in you and causes you to want to be able to do what pleases Him. *Whatever you do or say, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Deuteronomy 15:10; Galations 6:9; Philippians 2:13; Colossians 3:17