Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Beach Blessings #2
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Youth Sunday & Other Events

Sunday morning November 8th our youth will take over the 10:30 am service! That's right we will be having youth Sunday that morning as youth run the show. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be asking (and encouraging) students in our ministry to run the sound equipment, read Scripture, sing, do motions, and other tasks to help serve that morning. I'll also have the awesome opportunity to preach from God's Word that morning.
Petra Parents!!

Hey Parents! Just wanted to let you know that you should receive our monthly newsletter tomorrow at your home (the same one that you have received via email)! Just to echo what the newsletter says I am trying to compile an email list for all of you so that once a month I can send you the newsletter via email. The cost and the time it took to send a hard copy out to everyone was massive and this would help me out a lot. If you do not wish to give out your email address that is fine just let me know and I'll send you a hard copy every month. Thanks for helping me out in this way, if you do not receive emails from me please let me know what your email address is so I can add you to my list! Thanks everyone!
American Culture & Effective Leadership
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday Night September 30th "The Main Event"
Hey Parents! Just want to let you know about our youth event this Wednesday night! It’s called “The Main Event.” It is a great opportunity for your youth to invite friends to come hang out and have a fun time. We will be meeting at the church at the same time as every Wednesday night (6:00) and then car pooling to either St. Johns Golf and Country or Johns Creek (still working out final details) to use their basketball courts and soccer fields. Once we arrive we will play some kickball as well as some other fun games & relays. Then the last 10 minutes I will share with them from God’s Word how they can come to have a relationship with Jesus! We will also be giving away prizes to teams and individuals including a Florida Gator basketball signed by Coach Billy Donavan for the student who brings the most friends! (they have to bring at least 5 friends who have never been to our church)
I’m really excited for the opportunity to share with your youth how to have a personal relationship with Jesus as well as building relationships through playing silly games with them. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to email or call me at or 904.612.9799. We are looking forward to seeing your youth there on Wednesday night! Thank you!
P.S. – I’ll be sending out an email as soon as I know exactly which park we will be playing at!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Beach Blessings
Monday, August 3, 2009
Petra on Facebook

Petra Baptist Student Ministry is now on facebook!! Just type Petra Baptist Church in the search bar in the top right corner (of facebook) and then become a fan!! I'll be posting status updates and upcoming events on the facebook page. Feel free to post whats going on in your life or post any questions you have!! I hope to see a lot of fans by the end of the week!!
Wild Adventures

Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for allowing your youth to participate in our summer events this year. They have been a huge success and have provided a way for me and our other youth leaders to get to know your youth. We have one more summer event planned this summer before we kick off our fall programming on August 19th. We are going to Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA on August 12th. Wild Adventures is a theme park with roller coasters and a huge water park. We will leave the church a little after 8 am and will return at 9 pm. The price of the event is $25 which covers admission. Please email me to RSVP by August 7th and pay before August 10th (you can pay after but you will have to pay full ticket price, around $35).
We will be providing breakfast that morning which will include breakfast bars, pop tarts, doughnuts, milk, & orange juice. Your youth will have to bring money for lunch and dinner at the park (I suggest $15-20). They will also have to bring their own money for any other events (arcades, fair type games, etc) that they wish to participate in at the park.
There is also a water park inside Wild Adventures! So have your youth bring a change or clothes and a towel so they can participate in this as well. Make sure their swim suit does not have any metal on it (this includes even small little metal rings that some suits have on pockets). If there is metal on their suit the park will not allow you to go down any of the slides. Also ladies must wear a one piece, a tankini, or a dark shirt and are not allowed to wear a bikini. If you have any questions or concerns about this please do not hesitate to call or email me and I would love to explain why our church holds this view.
If you have any additional questions about our last event, or any of our other programs, please feel free to email or call me at any time. Thank you for letting your youth partner with us at Petra Baptist church this summer!
Event: Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA
Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Cost $25 (Before August 9th) - Please RSVP - Bring money for lunch / dinner @ park ($15-20)
Josh Ness
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Paintball July 29th!!

Dear Parents,
Our next summer event is July 29th and we are going paintballing! We are going to meet at the church at 10 am and get back at 4pm. We will be going to a place called Paintball Brothers Inc. (address – 3906 CR 218, phone # 608-8299) out in Middleburg to play paintball. This event will cost $45 which includes, use of the tactical paintball field (the best in the Jacksonville area), all the equipment necessary (paintball gun, mask, & CO2), 1,000 paintballs, and lunch. You may bring your own equipment (gun, mask, etc) but it does not change the price (the field charges whether you have your own stuff or not). I suggest that you leave your equipment at home and just use what is rented to us. YOU CANNOT BRING YOUR OWN PAINTBALLS! For safety reasons the fields we are going to will not allow us to bring our own paintballs so you MUST leave those at home.
If you have never been paintballing before here are a couple things you should know:
- · Paintballs can hurt – make sure you wear layers of clothes to help protect your body. You must wear some kind of pants (jeans, camo, etc). I suggest a long sleeve shirt with another shirt over. Also no flip-fops you must wear closed toe shoes or boots. You will be wearing a protective mask (provided by the paintball place) to protect your face. The more clothes you wear the less the paintballs will hurt, but remember its July and the fields are outdoors….It will be hot! If you wear shorts or flip-flops of any sort you will not go paintballing with us! (Also bring a change of clothes for the ride home)
- · There are rules – The rules will be laid out in detail at the paintball fields from our instructor which generally include no short range shots and during game play never take off your protective mask (provided by the paintball place). If you break any of the rules laid out by the instructor at the field you will not play the rest of the day!
You can also check out for an interesting article about paintballing from a beginner’s prospective.
Thank you so much for being a part of our summer events here at Petra Baptist Church! If you have any questions or concerns please email me at or call me at 904.612.9799.
Follow Petra Student Ministry on Twiter

Twitter is the new craze in the social network world and we are jumping on the bandwagon! You can follow what is going on in our student ministry by visiting
Monday, June 22, 2009
Pool Day!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Medical Release Form
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Summer Events (For Parents)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Youth Ministry 101

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Summer is Approaching

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Back to the Basics

We need to get back to the basics of life a heart that is pure and a love that is blind. A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ the hope that endures for all times. These are the basics,we need to get back to the basics of life
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Get Plugged In!!

Hey Everyone!! Just wanted to start off by saying that we had a great night last night at the Fuel youth event. Had some pizza, played some guitar hero, and played taboo to get the evening started off. And I have to give a shout out to team 1 (the team I was a part of) because we won taboo!! Then we begin to learn about the Trinity through the Fuel DVDs. We learned that we will never truly understand the Trinity, and that's ok because we are saved by faith! We had some good discussions and then sang a couple worship songs! Thanks for coming (students) and thanks for your prayers (church)!!!
I also wanted to use this post to tell everyone that this Sunday will be our first Bible Fellowship hour (aka "Sunday School")! It will be held from 9:30 to about 10:15ish in the building next to the sanctuary. This Sunday we will have doughnuts and some drinks and students will have the opportunity to win CDs and t-shirts through a couple different games that we have planned! Then we'll sit and talk about the significance of Palm Sunday and the Resurrection. This BF ("Bible Fellowship") hour will be every Sunday from now on with one exception......Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday (April 12th) our normal service will be held at 9:30 and we will not have our normal BF Hour.
We really want students to be involved in this program on Sunday mornings. It will be a time to hang out, play some games, and learn from God's Word! I'm really excited about what God is doing here and what He plans to do in the future!! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to see what God is going to do next!! See you this Sunday morning!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Youth Event: March 31st

Friday, March 13, 2009
This years student ministry theme: "UNLEASHED"

A little over a week ago pastor Ted asked me to come up with a theme for our students this year, I was sitting thinking of a word that I could rally students around and that would connect with my first series of messages "Back to the Basics"(more about this in a future post). And then it hit me..."unleashed." This word drew my attention to Romans 6. Starting in verse 15 Paul is explaining that just because, as Christians, we are under grace does not give us the right or liberty to sin whenever we want to. He explains by telling us that, as Christians, we have been set free from the chains of sin and serve a new master....Christ! This does not mean that we will never sin but it does mean that as we grow ("ripen") in our relationship with Christ we will not want to sin. Of course we will be tempted by Satan and will occasionally fall, but we will quickly realize that is was a sin and repent before God.
This is such an encouraging passage that we no longer have to been attached to sin, but it also challenges us to grow in our relationship with Christ and to become the obedient slave that Paul talks about in this chapter. I highly encourage you to break out commentary and read Romans chapter 6 as Paul explains what it really means to be a Christ follower, it's good stuff (even though some of it is hard to understand).
With all that said this years overall theme for our students is "unleashed from sin, bound to Christ." I leave you with the words to a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called "Remember your Chains" that I think goes along with this post.
Remember your chains
Remember the prison that once held you
Before the love of God broke through
Remember the place you were without grace
When you see where you are now
Remember your chains
And remember your chains are gone
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
R3: Relate, Ripen, Reproduce

Hey everybody I just wanted to make a detailed post on the core values of the youth ministry at Petra Baptist Church. It's nicknamed "R Cubed' or simply "R3.'' So let me describe the 3 R's for you:
- Relate - "Connect" - as a student ministry we want to connect students to Jesus! We want to provide an atmosphere for students to connect with God, church leaders, and other students. To do this we will be starting a Bible Fellowship hour on Sunday mornings and Bible studies on Wednesday nights. We are also planning a summer retreat and other events to just "hang out" (or connect) with students.
- Ripen - "Grow" - we want students to mature in their walk with Jesus Christ! We want to provide students opportunities to interact with God's Word and godly leaders. We will do this through discipleship programs, providing opportunities to serve, and digging into God's word.
- Reproduce - we want mature (ripe) students to take what they have learned in our ministry and share it with a lost world. We will accomplish this through prayer and various leadership programs showing mature students how to share their faith and duplicate their love for Jesus in others.
"And he said to them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'"
-Luke 10:2 (ESV)