Monday, March 15, 2010

Time with God...

Monday, March 15, 2010

John 12:23-36

Paraphrase the account.

Right after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem Andrew and Philip have a conversation with Jesus. Jesus reminds them to be focused on the kingdom to come (heaven) not where they are right now. Then Jesus begins to explain that this is the time that He will glorify the Father and God the Father speaks from heaven to agree with what Jesus had just spoken. Then Jesus tell the crowd that He must “be lifted up” (aka die). This causes some confusion with the people, because they thought the Son of Man was to reign forever, not die. Jesus again tell them that He will only be there a short while longer and that they should believe in Him.

How can I apply this to my life?

Ø STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT MATTERS…ETERNITY! Jesus says, “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep in for eternal life.

o Do you love your life here in this life? Do you ever think about life in heaven? I strongly encourage you to think about what life will be like in heaven on a daily basis. Remember if you are a Christ follower then you are just a stranger passing through with your home being heaven. If we can get focused on that the things of this world will slip from our minds and will be replaced with a great joy for our home (heaven) with Christ.

Ø Our main purpose in life is to glorify the Father.

o Jesus knew this too. Verse 27 shows us that part of Jesus’ goal in His death on the cross was to glorify the Father. What have you done today to bring glory to God? This can be done in many ways.

§ You can spend time with Him in prayer and in reading the Word

§ You can share what you know about Him with others

§ You can do the things He has commanded you to do with a correct motive

o I challenge you to make it you goal every day to bring glory to the Father and to be an imitator of Christ (Ephesians 5).

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