Thursday, March 18, 2010

Time with God...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

John 13:12-20

Paraphrase the account.

Jesus instructs His disciples to be servants. He had just washed their feet before their meal to show them that even He (the Son of God) was a servant.

How can I apply this to my life?

Ø We are to serve others!

o By others I mean everyone. Those in the church, those in the world, and even your enemies (Matt. 5). Think about it Jesus washed Judas’ feet (who would shortly betray Him) and Peter’s feet (who would shortly deny Him).

o We can only serve others out of an overflowing love for God. You and I are born into sin and are inherently selfish. This means that we cannot be a servant on our own; we need help from the perfect, sinless servant, Jesus. This only comes by spending time with Christ through prayer and Bible study.

o Who have you served this week? Why have you served them? Was it to build yourself up or to glorify Christ (what was your motivation)? I’m challenged to serve and pray for God’s guidance and help.

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